Happy 3rd Birthday, Elsa!

Elsa's birthday party was a success this year! No crying and lots of fun! When we asked Elsa what she wanted for her birthday, all she said was, "A Tiana cake!" For those of you unfamiliar with the current Disney films, Tiana is the princess from "The Princess and the Frog." We got her the cake she wanted and she had a fantastic time at her party!

We are so thankful to have such a beautiful little girl. Elsa makes us laugh every day with her silly behaviors and is so loving to all of us. Elsa is so sweet and we couldn't have asked for a more wonderful little girl!

The Cake!

Tiana on the cake.

Elsa eating her favorite meal. Well, peanut butter & jelly would probably top hot dogs but we figured hot dogs would be a bit fancier for our guests!

Inga enjoying her meal.

The birthday girl and her cake!

Such a sweetheart!

Blow out those candles!

Elsa, Inga, Brekin, & Payson jumping in the bouncy castle.

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