The day started out looking pretty dreary. The forecast said rain all day but we decided to attempt Stone Mountain Park anyway. It actually turned out to be the best choice! There were hardly any other people there, we had no lines, and it was cool enough that we could enjoy being outside.

Elsa wasn't quite ready to go.
The mountain.
The carving...Confederate President Jefferson Davis, General Robert E. Lee, and Lieutenant General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson.

At the top of the mountain...the view of Atlanta.

Jason with the girls...not too excited about having their picture taken!

Andrea with the girls...still not wanting a picture taken.

Elsa and Jason on the train.

Inga on the train.

Elsa's funny face.

Inga's funny face.

The girls at the petting zoo on the plantation.
Here we are riding in the cable car to the top of the mountain. On our way back down, the power went out and we were stuck mid-air for about 10 minutes. They had to get out the hand crank and bring us down that way...seriously!
We took the train around the base of the mountain. The girls loved it even though the whistle would scare them. They danced to the music and laughed at the bumps. Elsa, however, did fall asleep toward the end of the ride. At least she was able to get her nap in that day!
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