No pictures for this post, but you will be grateful of that after you read!
Today I went to put Inga down for her nap. I got her all tucked in with her cup of water when I looked at all the stuffed animals on her bed. I noticed there was something feathery there and I couldn't remember how she would have gotten a fake bird. I went to pick it up to see what it looked like and realized it was a real bird...only dead!!! I made Jason come up and get it out of the bed. That's why we women get married, right?! Apparently Emma killed it and buried it under the stuffed animals for us to find later. There was a small pool of dried blood under its head that I have washed three times and it still won't go away. Any suggestions?
When Ethan got blood on his shirt my sister in law said to use hydrogen peroxide directly on the stain and it came out. I had to put it on then rinse under water and repeat if it is still there! Good luck!
Thanks! I'll be sure to try it!
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