Story Time

As tradition holds, Great Uncle Danny brought a book over to share with the kids. He read it to Inga and gave it to her to keep and read again and again.

Papa fell asleep while listening!

Inga, Danny, and Emma

Cuddling on the couch.

Sibling Love

We are so happy to see how much our children love each other. They have such a fun time just being together. Well, maybe Thomas doesn't care as much at this point but hopefully he will soon!

Tiny Dancers

Inga and Elsa have taken to playing dance class wearing Inga's recital costumes. They have a great time teaching each other dances and leaping around the house. I get a kick out of watching them in their cute tutus!

Elsa's Goggles

One of Elsa's newest finds at Nana and Papa's house is a pair of goggles. She never passes up the chance to dress up in anything and if she gets a reaction it makes it even better. If you look carefully, you'll notice that the goggles are upside down. Don't tell her, though. She won't believe you!

Check out that girl!

Mommy Makes Me Hoppy

We can't turn down an opportunity to take pictures of our newest addition! Hope you enjoy these.

Inga is such a proud big sister.


Jason, Inga, and Elsa went sledding for the first time this winter at the Bowman Woods hill. They went out early in order to avoid the big crowds that usually gather there. The girls had a ton of fun and keep begging Jason to take them back.

Lane Christmas 2010

We spent Christmas Eve with Nana, Papa, Uncle Dustin, Hiedi, Aunt Stephanie, and Mark. It was nice to see everyone. We only wish Aunt Kerry and Uncle Louie could have been there to make the gathering complete. One bonus to the day was the beautiful falling snow. It was a fantastic day!

Elsa and her olives.

That's about all she ate!

Inga was very excited about her new Littlest Pet Shops!

Elsa checking out her new Hello Kitty puzzle.

Dinner...complete with crowns.


After our first big snow Inga and Elsa wanted to shovel just like Daddy. They had a great time and Inga even used the shovel as a giant spoon to eat the snow as she shoveled!

Silly Girls

As usual, the girls love showing off in front of the camera!

Bubble Heads

The girls love when Daddy makes their bubble bath!

The Red Skirt Returns

Elsa has been begging me tolet her wear the red skirt and I finally gave in. She was so happy to be running around he house wearing it. It was adorable!

A big "spooky" smile!

More cheese!

Admiring her "tails."

Running through the house.

Could We Be Sisters?

Inga and Elsa love watching TV on our bed. We caught them in a very sweet moment...neither of them were sucking their thumb!


The Schoenbeck kiddos are full of smiles these days!

Elsa and Thomas sharing the high chair.

Big smile from Thomas.

A sweet little face.

Thomas and Inga sharing a laugh.